Assieme alle Ricerche rappresentano l'elemento primario di tutte l'attività dell'Associazione nei settori: Architettura, Ingegneria, Ambiente, Paesaggio, Urbanistica, Edilizia, Mobilità, Agronomico e Giardini, Comunicazione e Marketing, Qualità e Organizzazione, Sicurezza e prevenzione.

Il Verde e l’Architettura in Rete

Contenitore di saperi e frutti del Territorio, qualità del vivere e dell'Ambiente sia naturale che costruito

Associazione scientifico/culturale nata con la finalità di promuovere studi e ricerche in ambito paesaggistico, ambientale e sulla ecosostenibilità dell’edilizia e dell’urbanistica.

Formazione Ricerca Cultura

Corsi triennali di Diploma Accademico di primo livello equipollenti alla laurea autorizzati dal MIUR

Multifunzionalità in agricoltura

Vocational training should not only be seen as the acquisition of new strategies, the discovery of new products or the knowledge of new organizational models, but should be considered in a broader sense as the best form of protection for present and future workers, since it makes them competitive and attractive subjects for the labor market, companies and society as a whole.

We increasingly talk about the future, and the future is today's young people. It is for them that the importance of safeguarding natural resources has been reinforced, and with them must be consolidated the need to revive the economy while respecting the environment, through educational action and by providing them with the tools, technologies and knowledge that will enable them to achieve their goals.

Biodiversity is essential for life. Nature provides us with food, health, raw materials, physical and psychological well-being. It is essential to safeguard forests, soils and wetlands and create green spaces in cities.

Society today is faced with increasing socio-economic challenges, so it is essential to safeguard natural resources, in an interdisciplinary vision through participatory research, innovation and vocational training. It is necessary to carry out preventive action on negative environmental externalities by focusing on the realization of new social and territorial value.

Biohabitat promotes an integrated project to develop a Green Yard, in which to share knowledge among practitioners from distinct but not dissimilar fields, such as architecture and design, construction and land management, landscape and green spaces, agriculture, and food, united in the challenge of environmental sustainability.